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Two Shows this month for Yunjung Kang ... Yay!

MONA North | Armada is proud to invite you to the second of three MONA Prize exhibitions this June - with an opening reception of Yunjung's delicate but powerful sculptures and wall images. "Inside/outside dichotomy in the human body is central to my artistic exploration. But, as there are interior and exterior structures of the anatomical body, I think there are invisible inside and outside space in the mind or soul as well. Seeking the relationship between physical existence and psychological phenomenon, my work brings form to feelings of presence and absences well as connections of emotional and physical intimacy." - Yunjung Kang Opening Reception: Sunday, June 22nd from 3pm to 7pm. Dates: June 22 to August 10, 2014 @ MONA North, 15655 33 Mile Road, Armada, Mi 48005 Spend a leisurely Sunday in the country: Come out and visit the museum's 60 acres of river, woods, and open land as well as the art. email: tel: 248.210.7560 *"I’m having TWO SOLO EXHIBITIONS this month in Michigan. It’s my first time solo presents. Those two happen almost same time during the summer. I will show most of works I have done last two years in grad school. If you are around Detroit area, please come and see!! " Check out the locations, dates and opening schedules below. 1st present: “Curiosity: Inside&Outside" No opening reception Dates: June 16-August, 2014 @NCRC(North Campus Research Complex)connections gallery at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 2nd present: "Thin Boundary" Opening reception event: Sunday, June 22, 3pm-7pm Dates: June22-August10, 2014 @Museum of New Art, Armada, MI. find more at her website:

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