GAO BROTHERS | Closing Event and Photo Shoot

THE GAO BROTHERS | Closing Event and Photo Shoot
Midtown MONA is celebrating the closing of the Gao Brothers' Exhibition with a Photo Shoot of all visitors that night: Photographs will be taken (see above) and all images will be compiled into an online catalog to help celebrate and memorialize this special show of the two renowned Chinese artists and activists -- Free to the public: Saturday, October 25th from 6pm to 9pm. "They seem troubled by the inevitable alienation that infects swarms of naïve migrants from small towns and farms to swelling urban metropolises in China and elsewhere. But their work also suggests a wry, ironic view of human existential angst and ennui. The gentle humor in their work often seems overlooked. Their work might be wisely circumspect, but witty all the same. They seem to say that laughter follows inevitable tears like moon and stars follow a thunderstorm."
- Jim Welke Saturday October 25th, 6-9pm: Midtown MONA @ Galerie Camille, Suite C 4130 Cass Ave, Detroit, MI 48201 Regular Hours: 12pm to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday